Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Further Implementation and Colleague Support


The strategies and resources for rhyming that I provided to support the selected colleague were:

·         Reading Rockets Rhyming Page or the Onset and Rhyme Page

o   Reasoning: Reading Rockets is a reputable peer-reviewed easy to use page. Reading Rockets offers research-based resources that are up to date with current best practices. Reading Rockets provides concrete things to do and explains them in an easy-to-understand way.

o   How this will Help: The videos and explicit instructions for better ways of rhyme, instruction will support the teacher in understanding how to help her students understand how to produce a rhyme.

·         Florida Center for Reading Research’s Rhyming and Onset and Rime center sections

o   Reasoning: Florida Center for Reading Research is a well-respected, research-based resource. The website has a wide variety of activities that can be easily differentiated for students. These are some of the same activities listed on the Reading Rockets Website above. They are written so that even a novice can understand how to use them appropriately.

o   How this will Help: By giving the teacher various resources (variety of games on the site), she can find ones that best engage her students. Also, giving her a resource supported by the other resource provided builds on that knowledge and helps her make a connection.

·         A Fresh Look at Phonics, by Wiley Blevins pg. 5, 13 & 187-188

o   Reasoning: Wiley Blevins is considered a world-renowned expert of phonics. His book is explicit as it outlines what educators are doing incorrectly during rhyme instruction. He also lays out ways to fix that so that rhyme instruction can be efficient and effective. Also, giving her the page numbers and not the whole book is less overwhelming.

o   How this will Help: Teaching her how to efficiently and effectively provide rhyme instruction will support students in understanding rhyme. The students may not be understanding rhyme because of a lack of quality instruction. Reading this text will help fix that by supporting the teacher in understanding how to teach rhyme and onset and rime effectively.

·         IMSE Orton Gillingham Rhyming Activities

o   Reasoning: Orton Gillingham is a well-respected, research-based, established approach to literacy instruction.  It used proven techniques and strategies to support all learners especially those with dyslexia.  

o   How This will Help: The video supports the teacher, who is a visual learner and often struggles with reading things like the teacher’s manual, to see what activities and interactions are supposed to be like during quality rhyme instruction.

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