· Summary of your discussion with your mentor
following the creation of the intervention reports
My mentor and I frequently
talked throughout the intervention process. Following the creation of the
intervention reports, the discussion included analyzing the data from the most
frequent progress monitoring and comparing it to previous data. We discussed
the revisions that needed to be made to the intervention plans and the next
steps that could be taken. We also discussed how results would be shared with
the families.
· Your opinion of the entire intervention process
with each student, including developing interventions, implementing
interventions, and progress monitoring/assessing
In the past years, my
school’s intervention process was haphazard and inconsistent. Teachers would
use their best judgment and take what data they had to SST regarding students
they were concerned about, and then the team would ask what things had been
done to support the student. Then the teacher would be sent back to try the suggestions
of the committee and gather more data. Six more weeks would be lost. This year
the intervention process has been streamlined and made consistent. Each teacher
has been collecting the same data on the same data cycle. Then it’s compared
across the grade level. Then the grade levels are instigating consistent research-based
interventions. We have seen drastically improved results. Teachers, including
me, are ecstatic with the results and not losing precious time trying to get what
the committee wants. So, in my opinion, the changes that have been made have
had a radically positive difference in the process and a positive impact on the
student’s literacy skills.
· The importance of communicating with families
throughout the intervention process
The importance of communicating with
families throughout the intervention process keeps parents involved and engaged
in the process. It makes them feel like they are a valued part of the team and
empowers them to continue learning at home.
· How this process will affect your future
practice as a reading/literacy specialist, specifically pertaining to working
with students who are struggling in reading or writing
The intervention process
will affect my future practice as a reading/literacy specialist, specifically pertaining
to working with students struggling in reading or writing, because it supported
me in understanding how vital a consistent process is for intervention is.
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